Metropolitan Chorus, under the direction of
Dr. Britt Cooper, is a unique adult choral ensemble focusing on a wide variety of music with a intimately-performed works. Representing many diverse backgrounds, cultures, races and beliefs, these multi-generational singers are brought together by their love of the choral arts. They share a dedication to excellence, exploring and preserving choral repertoire from all over the world. SCS's Metropolitan Chorus provides relevant, inspiring and ingenuitive programming throughout the greater Akron community. |
Metropolitan Chorus rehearses Tuesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 PM.
Steering Committee
Diane CardewSteering Committee Lead Chair
Julie EverettSteering Committee Representative
Representative Repertoire Recordings
*Due to current copyright only public domain works are available
Carnegie Hall Tour, 2024
Cathedral Classics (2023) - Dr. Marin Jacobson, Featured Conductor
Balladry (2022) - Dr. Britt Cooper, Featured Conductor
Christmas Candlelight Concert Series, December 2021
Under the Direction of Dr. Britt Cooper
Under the Direction of Dr. Britt Cooper
Metropolitan Virtual Performance, December 2020
An Afternoon of French Music, February 29, 2020
Under the Direction of James Mismas |